Sofia Crespo | Artificial Natural History Collection | Vellum LA

Sofia Crespo
20 Birds, 2022

Reserve Price: 20 ETH

Named by my father as an appreciation of observation. In every natural vista and urban environment there is much more life and diversity than we see, a handful of birds is in fact many more, a single plant in a crack the edge of an entire ecosystem.

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 4047 × 2862 px

Sofia Crespo
calcareous_patterns_3002, 2022

Reserve Price: 15 ETH

A mollusk's shell is the product of a lifetime, a complex layering that provides shelter, comfort and protection. As such the shell is also a recording, a continuous transformation of the experienced context into a gradually layered form, an encoded record.

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 3640 × 4096 px

Sofia Crespo
composite_conditions_1002, 2022

Reserve Price: 13 ETH

Their humble, fragile forms aside the lichen exists as complex reminders of how harmoniously composite organisms thrive from the seaside to the highest mountain peaks.

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 3640 × 4096 px

Sofia Crespo
coral_subdivision_8744, 2022

Price: 15 ETH

To be coral is to be innately entangled as a symbiotic intertwining of multitudes, to reduce a coral specimen to its parts is lossy deconstruction, each part by itself an incomplete figure moving away from coral into something new, an inert other.

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 3640 × 4096 px

Sofia Crespo
cryptic_colouring_0110, 2022

Price: 25 ETH

The camouflage markings might be functional marks, a deceptive statement in the immediate moment, but seen on a different scale they become sentences in an ever-evolving dialogue that encompasses not just predator & prey, but shifts in climate, resources and culture.

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 4036 × 2695 px

Sofia Crespo
cryptic_markings_1799, 2022

Reserve Price: 5 ETH

A homage to the work of Anna Atkins (1799-1871) without which we might not have learned new ways of seeing and been far poorer for it.

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 3640 × 4096 px

Sofia Crespo
desiccation_bloom_9090, 2022

Reserve Price: 10 ETH

No matter how arid, desiccated and shunned by precipitation they are, the desert plants from which blossoms consistently bloom are lush in their form and color.

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 3640 × 4096 px

Sofia Crespo
expedition_missive_0043, 2022

Reserve Price: 8 ETH

To learn to see the other is to co-inhabit new spaces with it, to seek out its ever new forms and emergent patterns, to know that we can never know it, but merely acknowledge and see.

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 3640 × 4096 px

Sofia Crespo
iridophoric_iridescence_7744, 2022

Price: 15 ETH

Composites of pigmented cells and complex layerings of reflective materials that vary in thickness and transparent gel that interfere with, and shape the colours we perceive, what we might perceive as mere patterns of fish are in fact joyful expressions of optical physics.

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 5760 × 3240px

Sofia Crespo
permeable_circulation_2191, 2022

Price: 15 ETH

Amphibians are characterized by a permeable skin making the delineation of where they might consider themselves to begin and end a cryptic query, would experiencing the world as an unavoidable extension of our skins help us treat it differently?

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 2706 × 4048px

Sofia Crespo
refractive_carapace_0014, 2022

Price: 15 ETH

Is wearing a transparent carapace to be invisible? When we examine these specimens closely, we see they refract not (only) the light, but also the organs, processes and circulatory systems: a refractive carapace is to be visibly vulnerable.

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 3840 × 2160 px

Sofia Crespo
soft_colonies_1898, 2022

Price: 10 ETH

Through the coexistence of forms fragile, gelatinous and fleeting, the ecosystems created by the residents of the reef & ocean exercise the beauty and strength of softness.

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 3640 × 4096 px

Sofia Crespo
swarm_optimisation_1111, 2022

Price: 15 ETH

It's too easy to see the butterfly as a single specimen and neglect that The Butterfly as a species is a process of adaptation and optimization over generations from which ever more complex and efficient behaviors emerge.

Medium: Image (PNG)

Resolution: 3640 × 4096 px