Lauren Lee McCarthy
Good Morning, 2023-ongoing


28 + 1 AP

Price: 0.1 ETH

*Artwork minted at time of purchase

Good Morning is a counterpiece to Good Night that inverts the relationships. Rather than the artist texting the owner good night, the owner must say good morning to the piece by opening it in a browser each day. The code based piece detects when it was last open, and if more than 24 hours passes, it will cease to run and become a blank screen. It is an edition of 28 representing the lunar month. Over time, some of the pieces will die while others continue to live based on the behavior of their owners. The owner's own mortality becomes a factor as well—will they create a contingency plan for their own death to keep the piece alive? The work questions our relationship with and dependence on technology over the passage of time, and asks what responsibilities owning something can hold. If 24 hours pass without the NFT being viewed, it will cease to run.

Artist Bio

Lauren Lee McCarthy is an artist examining social relationships in the context of surveillance, automation, and network culture through performance, software, and installation. Her works consist of performances inviting viewers to engage. To remote control her dates. To be followed. To welcome her in as their human smart home. To attend a party hosted by artificial intelligence. In these interactions, there is a reciprocal risk taking and vulnerability, as performer and audience are both challenged to relinquish control, both implicated, as each reformulate their own relationship to the systems that govern our lives. Lauren has received numerous grants, fellowships, and residencies from Creative Capital, United States Artists, Sundance, Eyebeam, LACMA, MASS MoCA, Pioneer Works, Stanford, NYU, and Ars Electronica. Lauren's work has been widely exhibited internationally. Lauren is also the creator of p5.js, an open-source art and education platform that prioritizes access and diversity in learning to code.

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